Sailor Henry and The Forces of Kutuloo - Dev Log -001

Super happy to rank 18th in the Mini Jam 50: Islands 

I really like the concept of this game and I got a lot of great feedback so I am looking to expand on this idea. Below is a bit of a design document I started working on.

Sailor Henry and the forces of Kutuloo

Scope the project
-level based game
-roughly 3 minutes per level
-goal 120 minutes of game play/30 levels
-add boss battles
⁃ break down further into themed zones / 6 zones

Identifying current issues:
-adjust hit boxes on current enemies
-adjust the projectile mechanic to limit the amount of projectiles
-add half way points in levels
-add death animation, character & enemy
-add sprint mechanic
-disable projectiles while sprinting
-adjust level scaling to match character scaling(pixel sizing)
-add collectibles, projectiles/currency

⁃ include a difficulty level, normal - hard

New enemy type I am looking to implement

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