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Nice game! It was quite easy for me after getting the hang of the jumps. And I love the pixel art and the floating key!

It always takes you back to the beginning, which just makes it annoying. The annoyance is proportional to how long the user spends before they can get back to playing again. This is true whether it's loading screens or you're forcing them to redo something they've already done.

Also, up should work for jump. There's no reason it has to only be space.

The quote at the end of the game fit very well considering it's difficulty, very satisfying!

The game was hard but fun overall a very fun and polished experience!

thank you!

Wow, the game oozes with retro charm - from the art, to the music, to the gameplay. I think you brought it all together in a very nice and neat package that makes for a blast from the past. I especially love the brick sprites you made for the terrain/background, they look really good and organic.

Design-wise, I have some thoughts. Some of these are just constructive criticism, but I understand some of them are hard to avoid because you're under a tight deadline. Just some stuff to consider for the future.

  • I noticed I was still able to play the jump sound if I hit space while in the air
  • I really enjoyed the SMB style of having the key follow you to the door, that was a really nice touch
  • I'm guessing you're using a capsule collider for the player, which is generally fine, but with some pretty tight jumps like this, I had a few times where I ended up dying because I slipped off the edge
  • You filled out the space very well, I didn't feel like I was cramped, but you also avoided making the rooms feel excessively big
  • The committed jumps are a bold decision, which I don't mind, but certain levels like floor 4 give very little room to be able to get a run going and properly aim for the block. Combined with the third point, could prove to be a bit frustrating for other players

Overall, it's a short but sweet taste of nostalgic, retro goodness. Good luck with the rest of the jam!

awesome thank you! going to have to add more polish on the next jam

The nice art kept me going.